Damn straight. She’s effective and, unlike the more senior members of Congress, she’s not going to spend 2019 dipping her toes into the presidential primary pool. She’s actually there to do the job she promised to do on the stump.
Damn straight. She’s effective and, unlike the more senior members of Congress, she’s not going to spend 2019 dipping her toes into the presidential primary pool. She’s actually there to do the job she promised to do on the stump.
“getting way more publicity than she deserves considering how new she is to the job”
change will always make people uncomfortable and seek coping mechanisms. i don’t think she (or the other Froshes) are getting anywhere near enough coverage. most of what i have seen/read/heard is a push back and “not so fast®” most media use to create false equivalence.
The thing is, Republicans respect The Grift. AOC thinks a person should be able to do honest work and get a livable wage. Republicans think that’s for suckers. The grift Owens pulled isn’t “fiscally irresponsible”, it’s “smart”. Remember
We’ve seen this script before.
I love that she has the guts to clap back at these blowhards but is doing it in a way that is not calling them liars, sexists or alarmists, but by basically calling them idiots and making them prove their knowledge. I don’t think a lot of our politicians really know their stuff when it comes to constitutional law, tax…
“I couldn’t control you,”
Man don’t use that hebephile/ephebephile language, just call him the pedo rapist fuck he is. Those other ttwo things are just words pedophiles invented to try and justify their sick fuckityness
The only difference is that he’s not subtle about his racism and sexism.
Don’t be a rube. Mittens isn’t against Trump’s agenda. He just wishes Donny would stop saying the quiet part loud.
Trump is the culmination of decades of republican cruelty and race baiting. He is the ultimate republican and hopefully he will be the last republican president. Anyone who still calls themselves a republican has just outwardly embraced the fascism that is the core of republicanism since Nixon. They should all go to…
Couple of points, Admiral:
Anyone else think she’s just a downright weird looking woman?
They’re not children when they’re playing competitive sports. Then they’re more like IRL sports video game characters for grown-ups to control and exploit. That goes double for black kids. White people who get their blood up for HS sports don’t even see black children athletes as humans, just livestock. It’s stupid.
Ive had dark moments in my life in the past. I had my plate running over worse than Niagra Falls running over the sides. I was being worked to death by my job at a Mortgage Company with 2 years of Mandatory overtime, either 2 hours before regular shift or 2 hours after normal shift, with a half hour lunch and 2 x 10…
Eh, Kate taught them how to be normal rich people, Meghan is teaching them how to be normal famous people.
This made me take a sharp breath because it so perfectly encapsulates toxic workplaces.
So you’re saying Big Pharma sales meetings are actually the real “Obamacare Death Panels”?
Remember, our economy is designed to make a handful of sociopaths rich. That’s it. They are happy to live in Fiddler’s Green in that Day of the Dead movie as long as they can lord it over the hordes. Never mind that said hordes are zombies and it’s the literal apocalypse, THEY WON.
“Report a Problem” post I sent to FB.