Then don’t post your place on airbnb. If you have a house for rent in the US, you are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. so legally, you cannot turn away a renter based on religion or race.
Then don’t post your place on airbnb. If you have a house for rent in the US, you are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. so legally, you cannot turn away a renter based on religion or race.
Double standard? What double standard?
I think a lot is different than harassment and is really dismissiveness of women in the technical fields. Get put down constantly and eventually you leave.
I found the trailer really off-putting for this reason. It doesn’t seem like this was a movie written by people who were interested in portraying the culture of programming and mechanical computation as it actually existed for these women. Which would have been a more revolutionary thing to portray.
I hate to be that guy, but politics has always been like this in our country. Always. It’s just that the internet brings it into everyone’s home and sadly, it sometimes amplifies the voice of the looniest among us in a way newspapers couldn’t. But even back in the day, it was very similar: In 1800, John Adams said…
It is not a stretch to argue that Ailes is largely responsible for, among other things, the selling of the Iraq War, the Swift-boating of John Kerry, the rise of the tea party, the sticking power of a host of Clinton scandals, and the purported illegitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency.
Eh, they thought he was awful but not awful enough to do anything about it, not awful enough to say, no you don’t get to continue your career trajectory, and apparently some were just awful enough that they were in on it with him. Note, the stories where he said they had to have sex with him and whoever he says…
It’s not that easy. Some of these women now complaining about sexual harassment are the same ones denying the importance of speaking and working against campus rape, abortion rights, even sexual harassment in the workplace. These women are victims but some of them also pushed misogyny in their day jobs. Can’t help but…
The core of this is that power corrupts and those with wealth and power do believe they’re better than us.
White people terrorized black people to the extent that bears, snakes, swamps were nothing compared to the terror of white hate
Wow. The optics of Cinnemark’s decision is Trump-level terrible. It’s like they woke up and said “Yeah, I’m gonna be a dick to people today. A YOOOGE DICK!”
He’d almost certainly have been refused bail if he’d kidnapped a stranger. Judges (and police, and prosecutors, and juries, and the general public) tend to see domestic violence as totally different, and much less severe, than “regular” violence, because it’s only directed at a woman the abuser is entitled to, and the…
Fuck Judge Gary Gilman. This woman’s death is on your hands asshole. And as usual incompetent men won’t suffer consequences while this woman is now dead.
I just saw this on TV in the lunch room. I literally jumped up and shouted, “FINALLY!”
WALMART. I can’t even see that company’s name without experiencing a spike in blood pressure. Y’all remember when Sam was still alive and almost everything in that store was made in the US? Then he died and his kids took over and sent our manufacturing jobs overseas, costing Americans their employment and tanking…
Fuck Mike Pence.
Agreed. Part of fight abortion restrictions is normalizing the procedure. One of my in laws has been on a hard core anti“late term” abortion kick lately. I told her she should read stories of women who had to go through later term abortions and try to understand that those are life and death decisions and not ones…
Pretty sure this “appeal to black voters” is nothing of the kind. The whole message is packaged for racist whites who don’t want to think of themselves as racist.
Seriously. I have a 14 year old daughter, and if I saw her react that way to someone I would physically put myself between them. The idea of a woman reacting like this *to her father* is just horrifying.