
and us gays supporting hillary.

I don’t see any reason why this kind of game should be excluded from a speed running event though, if someone wanted to speed run it. For Christ’s sake I watched (with enjoyment) a speed runner play through Pilotwings 64, and that certainly was not something I thought I would ever do in my lifetime. If a rhythm game

Well let me be the first to predict that in the next two episodes Leia will die... And Luke. And Snoke. And Kylo Ren. And everyone else in the next trilogy reboot of the 2030s.

The entire post is filled with references to Black, American civil rights leaders, yet not one mention of any injustices perpetrated in an African tribe or leaders from those tribes. We both know those exist, so why fill a whole post on American history instead of actually talking about the individuals in question?

Send me the link to where the Hungarians fire hosed the Turkana tribe.

Why are you constructing false parallels between the African and African American experience?

911 Call: Employee Told Cops: “I Don’t Feel Comfortable” Letting John Henson In Store

Something tells me there were at least 10 ladies in the bridal party, or in other words, some of these bridesmaids were not particularly close to the bride. Which baffles me. I would think anyone chosen to be in the bridal party would have such an intimate relationship with the bride that any and all behaviors would

So many conflicting emotions here. Happiness that she's feeling great in her body. Sadness if she wasn't before. Anger that it was the tabloids (and the public) that made her feel less than beautiful.

Yes, I'm going to do the "you really should have included this one" because it's true. (And my friend made it). Here's his Facebook page. He takes requests.

Shouldn't the headline read: "Why America's Current Fleet of Presidential Limos Sucks"? As in, third-person singular for "Sucks"? Fleet is singular here in America, no?

A glove for the Disney princes.

I just got off the phone. They have weather-proof tarps and wool blankets that should suffice.

But Mark, what if my pharmacy doesn't carry 24 inch long gloves?

It was very painful to watch.

Certainly she represents the old regime in terms of not wanting to progress into the new society. But at the same time, I think that feminists can appreciate her "bossiness" in a kind of you know what? I don't care if you think I'm a bitch, I'm right. (I know I do.) The whole thing was tongue-in-cheek, though. I'd

I don't claim to be a Photoshop (Gimp) pro, but here's my contribution.

Today, I'm doing God's work per Remedios Varo. I feel this is a continuation of that.

Not going to lie, this sounds exactly like what I'm talking about. Obviously I was talking about Wafer, not just manslaughter in general, so his record also includes second-degree murder, per from the article. Before you say, "why didn't you say that in the original comment," I would ask, why are you trying to call