
I was definitely hoping for artisinal cupcakes, but her savvy shopper instincts to buy in bulk won me over.

Maybe the author had written:

They may not be as "pretty" or "fishy," but I think they're all fabulous.

So... this is the cover of my self-published slash fic: "Barry and Joe: Midnight in the Garden of Rosebuds."

"And this one is what the kids are calling... Goatse."

Yeah but if I were fabulous enough to be a drag queen, I wouldn't want to go dancing in a strip mall.

One of my mottos is "the right tool for the right job."

Now playing

A much better soundtrack (I especially like starting at 1:05):

I think we all remember our first Chloe Sevigny a bit more fondly than all the others. Toest.

There can only be one staunch character.

Here's a word Mark Simpson: linguidiocy.

First Seal: The international standardization of Bitcoin

I'm not going to make an Indian Giver joke.

Not being contentious but the Etymonline entry is actually kind of hilarious (the whole thing for the variety of meaning, but mainly the last line).

I'm normally a staunch supporter that languages evolve and words are allowed to change, gain, or lose meaning altogether (I don't mind the new irony and literal). But to me, the Teen Wolf Meta blog is using the term to mean simple analysis, which is not by definition meta. Acts of Meta have to be made by the artist

I want you to spend the next five seconds thinking of this......