Snark, on Gawker? Why I never...
Snark, on Gawker? Why I never...
how many American made outfits do you have? Tell the truth
Wow, she has a consultant for that? I just assumed she shopped at Talbots
I agree, your husband is an idiot
It’s quite fascinating how obsessed with white males Jezebel is.
Overall I thought it was a good speech, but there were a couple of times that were kinda awkward. When he was talking about his son deploying and he said “Semper Fi”, I think he was expecting a big applause but the audience really didn’t react to it.
Good, then the DNC will finally get it and work towards nominating a progressive in 2020, not against doing so
No, it’s my vote and I will do with it as I choose. If that means Jill Stein and not someone who was a war monger as Senator and Secretary of State, so be it, but it’s my choice.
Right, that proves my point. When people said it was honorable for Cruz, that was all BS and they were not being genuine. Hillary is a centrist compared to Bernie, so why would Bernie fans be happy to vote for someone who isn’t anywhere nearly as progressive as him? Sooner or later we need to move away from these…
So Ted Cruz fans who are sticking with him are honorable for following their conscience, but Bernie fans are ridiculous? So much for logic!
Yes, cops are more likely to die of a car accident than shot by a criminal, but that is the same for everyone. Using that logic is like saying there is not a problem with police violence against the black community because black people are more likely to die of a car accident then by a police officer.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say they are worshiped. What you just said about the being halfwits or racist violent thugs is a stereotype. Just like any profession, there are people that are terrible at it and there are people that are amazing. I think if you hear about a cop doing something heroic, as many of them do,…
I never said it was the most dangerous, but out of the thousands of job categories, those statistics say there are only 14 jobs more statistically dangerous. I personally would not want any of those jobs on that list.
You are right, the average police officer will not get killed or even injured on the job, but that is still not the same thing as saying that it does not inherently carry more risks than say an office job. It is at least dangerous enough to make Time magazine’s list of most dangerous jobs:
You are right, compared to other jobs that just require high school diplomas, it is up there. However, two things: not all jobs that require only a diploma are this dangerous, and many police departments require a 2 or 4 year college degree
I wouldn’t say they are paid well. It is a dangerous job that you would have to pay me a lot more than what the average cop makes in order to put my life on the line every day.
This is an ignorant comment
This pick proves Hillary doesn’t want independent votes, liberal votes, and union votes.
I want everyone to go in their closet and point out 5 things you find that are made in the U.S.
That’s part of the problem though. The trade deals make it nearly impossible to compete against countries that export products from slave wages