What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander

I blame the NRA on this one

Ari I just want to applaud you on your well thought out posts. You have obviously done your homework and have actually something to contribute to the conversation instead of emotionally charged posts that don’t look at the realities of the situation. I wish more threads on Jezebel were like this where there is an

Can you clarify what you mean by “will never reap the benefits”. Did you not go to school, use roads, have police and fire safety, etc., ad nauseum

That’s John Kerry

While I am all for these bills and hoped they would have passed, I just have to point out that sadly none of them would have stopped the Orlando massacre

And what about the Democrats that voted it down? They can stay?

I don’t disagree, but my point being is do you think if he wasn’t able to get firearms he would have just remained peaceful? I’m sure he would have made a bomb or caused an explosion or set fire or at the very least, started hacking people to death with a machete like someone tried to in Ohio a few months ago.

If this shooting happened in some countries it would actually be condoned. Sadly there are 10 countries where homosexuality is punishable by death:

I think when you scream out Allahu Akbhar while shooting 100 people it is fair to say it was done in the name of religion.

Would you have felt better if he used a bomb instead?

Most look about as white as the Jezebel staff

Don’t think they need a show to do this. Obama does a good job pitting people against each other as it it. Hey-O!

Just playing devil’s advocate, but if this were the father that did this and was suffering from some mental illness, would you still advocate for the same leniency, or does it not change anything?

I thought it was funny

This is so original! Every Jezebel post should have male tears gifs! Congrats!

Haha, good to know. Thanks for confirming:)

So is the solution to erase dead white men from history?

Could you imagine if this article was written about any other demographic?

I find that weird as a democrat. I find we gave him a free pass for sexual harassment. If he was a republican i feel we would be all over him like white on rice

Listen, I really don’t care about people’s sex lives generally speaking, but I hate the excuse of “well look how great the economy was during his presidency”. In other words, sexual harassment is ok if the man is good at his job. Sorry, I don’t buy that excuse.