
Very elegant, cable shibari.

@TriShield: Poor marketing and cars. Opel in the 60s and 70s wasn't well advertised, since they were sort of under Buick's wing. Combine that with the utterly uninspiring Kadett, and the boring Manta, and you've got a failure on your hands.

I really wish GM would bring Opel over to the US again. The brand doesn't have a stigma over here for the people who would be in the market for this particular vehicle (I'm guessing it's targeted at people under 50) and would probably sell well. GM hurts their sales trying to "reinvent" Saturn. I'm pretty sure most

How about a pinto? You'd not get anywhere quick, and when they nudge you to spin you, you'll explode.

Where're the interior shots? I hate how press photos usually skimp on the guts.

Interesting side note, the pic is the lower cardeck on a BC Ferries ferry.

@Lazarus: Well, HGTV would be appropriate, since it -is- made with hose parts :P

One has to wonder if the Gizmondo will ever surface with Eriksson constantly getting sent to prison.

I love gmail, but the biggest niggle I have is a lack of ability to compartmentalize. I know that search is a paramount feature in gmail, but I'd love the ability to filter and organize into folders. As it is right now, my inbox fills with several hundred blog comment notifications daily (lot of spam comments) and I

Voicemail is in desperate need of a massive overhaul. I often have to call my clients and leave messages, and hearing their greeting, and then 30-45 seconds of options before I get the beep is somewhat infuriating. iPhone voicemail seems to be the only voicemail out there that gives you a greeting and a beep without

What's with all the San Pedro references? :P