
I used to pluck mine like crazy as well because I hated having such full eyebrows when I was younger. I was working at a relatively remote site a while ago and tried to let them grow back. I succeeded only in growing a sort of double eyebrow because while the hair directly beneath my brows refused to grow, the hair

An ex-boyfriend did that to our waitress at my birthday dinner (surrounded by friends/family) and at a point where I was also working as a bartender to make ends meet.


Snow is a beautiful child!!!!!! Heathen!!!

Like handsome Rob Lowe and creepy Rob Lowe.

And you continue to do so.

Your responses are clear. You wrap yourself in derivative talk and try to belittle others.

Nice jab. Does every single one absolutely and wholeheartedly endorse every single thing they're paid to stand behind?

I suppose some may not understand that what you 'sell' is not truly indicative of how you feel.

Yeah, it seems totally legit that an unnamed source comes forward with Blake's '3am artisinal demands' that perfectly fit the narrative of people that trash her all of the time.

It's not just cats.


True. Almost every contract I've had we've had to sign property intelligence waivers and we would be banned from profiting off any new developments we came up with if we used any bit of company training, knowledge and even if we worked on it with a company laptop (regardless of whether it had anything to do with that

keep it away. She has 7k+ subscribers?!? People are weird.

I have a feeling she'd shoot me up with paralyzing drugs, then dress me up in doll clothes for her tea party - like that episode of the one crime show.

Did you watch the original video? She pestered four different stores for a week and got all upset when the candles offered weren't in her size.

I have first hand experience of hospitalization but in east Africa, in a capital city in a popular country.

You said this far better than I ever could have tried to.

You must not be fat. Just Google the amount of articles on Jezebel about middle to upper class women who supposedly were treated like farm animals.

"Vegan leather" is one of the most ridiculous combinations of words I've ever seen.