Clint Coady

It will only stop you if it's not supported for you phone. I meant in the case that it lets you install it, but the app simply wasn't optimized or wasn't coded properly for your phone. It's pretty common for apps to work better on some models rather than others, depending on the dev.

Stargate FTW! It's off to the Alpha site for me!

I always try to check the reviews and comments first, but I find a lot of people are complaining about nothing. Some of the concerns can be valid.

Those damn Goa'ulds again!

LOL! I started a whole discussion, apparently. Glad someone got the reference.

More like Goa'uld

Perhaps your lack of mystical wonder if simply a matter of you starting to come to your senses in realizing that Apple is just a company like any other and not Mount Olympus (or some other godly metaphor).

Microsoft rebrands so often, it's getting really annoying. They switched everything to MSN years ago, then they switched everything to "Live" and now they're switching again. I know it's only marketing, but friggin pick something and leave it alone.

LOL. You're right, my bad ;)

Am I the only person in the world who WANTS this? I've actually been dying for all of the Googles to be assimilated for a while. I frankly couldn't understand why they were separate. If I want to "+1" a YouTube video or a Reader article, it should be simple. And it would probably help to have my Circles available

His name is Frank Frankovsky? ... Really?

I completely disagree. I'm not ready to hop on the touch bandwagon for everything just yet. I happen to PREFER a mouse and keyboard and plan on continuing to use them for at least a couple more years. Just because some people have the IQ of a hamster and need to be able to poke at everything, doesn't mean it's

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

I envy their lack of social media. Even though I half-heartedly use it myself, I could certainly do without it.

It's funny how many people regret working too hard. I'm the opposite. I regret being so lazy lol.

I think WAAASSSSSUPPPPPP was the best commercial. (or actually the "What are you doing?" one was even better)

I sincerely hope this article is sarcastic. "Back in my day", it used to take the whole day to download the latest version of Netscape on my 28.8 connection.

Anyone know the status of what is used in Canada? Can I assume it follows the US?

Do not try and replace the film. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. There is no film. Then you'll see, that it is not the film that is being replaced, it is only yourself.

Yes, I could have done without that one.