Luckily, it looks like Battletech will have us covered. I can’t wait.
Luckily, it looks like Battletech will have us covered. I can’t wait.
Most Yoopers go with ketchup, but I agree. Gravy is by far the superior condiment.
Rubble, for sure.
The Brain That Wouldn’t Die!
Nope Demon Bear is the villain in this one. And it isn’t a Limbo demon. But it was a really great New Mutants storyline from the 80's (and now I feel old).
Nevermind the tallow. Find yourself some duck fat.
Nope. It’s a great record. If you had said Mosquito I’d be worried.
Why orange soda, when you could orange marmalade? The orange zest makes all the difference.
Greyhounds are the best lazy dogs anyone could ever have.
“...Also, I’m not sure I can take your opinion seriously when you say Michigan is an upgrade to anything.”
As someone, who currently lives in WI (Michigan transplant), I can say, with full confidence, that both MI and MN are definite improvements. MN more so.
Counterpoint: Yes they are.
FFT doesn’t need a remake. It needs a true sequel. Not just the often touted “spiritual successor” treatment, but a game that actually builds of of the system Tactics used. Best game ever.
I like how the Vikings synopsis talked about the Carolina Panthers more than it did about Minnesota.
Just wanted to say that The AV Club used to be my favorite website. The new format and Kinja now have made it pretty much the worst and unusable. I’d rather go to Brietbart. At least their commenting system makes sense, even if everything else about them doesn’t.
I was mistaken. Kinja is the worst. Have a great time Kinja’ing everyone. If anyone needs me I’ll be at the Avocado.