
In fake life I don't work. I am fake independently wealthy.

I interned with a local regional planning commission (RPC) in my hometown while going to college, then got hired by a plat book company after graduation. A few years later the plat book company was sold and I lost my job. The RPC I had interned with contacted me to work, temporarily, on a huge project that they were

Always nice to meet a fellow GIS person in Gawker land.

Same here.

That red Keyocera Mandolin/Slicer, in the photo above, is awesome. I was gifted one by my brother-in-law for Christmas about seven years ago or so. It has a nice ceramic blade on it and has stayed fairly sharp, even with heavy use. It also is adjustable with 4 different slicing thicknesses. I highly reccomend it as

You are never supposed to warm a baby bottle in the microwave. You can burn their mouth that way.

Absolutely. I have waited far too long already.

My turn. It's Scout! Part foxhound part something else (greyhound possibly?)... all awesome.

Vote: Net 10 Wireless

Yeah this is not something you should do in large batches and save for a month. But botulism really isn't a concern at our house. The oil infusions we do get used up pretty fast at home. Lots of them wind up in a vinaigrette and the acid component can aid in shelf life.

Infused Oils are really awesome but don't buy them. They are so simple to make at home, and are a great way to use up kitchen leftovers or foodstuffs that would otherwise be thrown away. For example,fresh basil turning brown in the fridge? Throw it in a pot of oil on the stove, heat over a low for an hour or two,

Seconded. A hospital I was visiting had one of these in the waiting room and it was surprisingly tasty. And this is coming from a total coffee snob.

Excellent choice.

Bees are tricky. The only way I can catch them is by running like hell after I shake a hive out of a tree and quickly pulling out my net with the d-pad. If you time the net swing right you can get them occasionally.

What do you have in it for parts? I'm getting ready to put together a new desktop rig for at home that I will be doing some GIS stuff on.

I can't believe no one mentioned the Behmor Brazen as a nominee for auto-drip.

Biggest mistake?