
In order for the workers to do their jobs, they have to remove the protesters. In order to remove the protesters, you have to disrespect their right to protest.

I have a degree in literature! Her writing sucks

i don’t get the joke?


for vigorously defending her client??

Well, I, for one, appreciate your open and honest ice cream advocacy!

Hahaha! Oh that lisp, it always gives me pause. Viva Accentos Mexicanos!

“ $130k isn’t that much.” Well at first I hated the guy in the story. Now I hate you.

If you are single and childless, $130,000 (US) is more than enough money a year to spend all your vacation time globe trotting. That’s more money than most middle class families of 4 or 5 make per year.

I'm not sure there's a sports figure I dislike more and this video only adds to that.

Why can’t he just jerk off like the rest of us, in the drive thru line at Jack N the Box, dressed in a clown suit, wearing a button that says, “ try my homemade sour dough."

Sidney Crosby: 4 points, all assists, in the Cup final. Wins Conn Smythe.

Speaking of age, how the hell did Holmes found a “revolutionary” medical company in 2003, when she would have been like 19 at the time?

I’m assuming some Benjamin Button level FX.

I'm seeing, much to my shocked incredulity, that people do not see how fucking brilliant this is.

This is fucking amazing. Jesus.

She probably literally phoned this in to some kind of transcription software thingy.


Saying Capitals / Penguins is the real Stanley Cup Finals is some hilarious East Coast Bias in action.