Cinemax After Dark
J Kush learned how to be hard on the mean streets of Cambridge, MA. Harvard teaches you to be tough, especially when your daddy bought you a spot and you need to compete with people who earned their places there.
“America, the birth place of liberty”
I am in awe of anyone who can contribute, here, by phone. I have only accessed these sites, a few times, through this medium and it felt like the fifth circle of hell. It is important for me to be able to ascertain the layout of the comment as it appears on the page. But I’m weird like that, too.
Think this might have something to do with it? Trump to Breitbart in 2015:
Trump Casinos
He and his die hards are about as competent and your average fifteen year old message board troll, too. They’re on that “Look mom! I posted it again!” kind of bullshit.
When they turn on him it will happen in the blink of an eye. Then they’ll all act like they were against Trump from the beginning.
In his statement, however, Volker casts himself as a voice of reason in the chaotic negotiations
I just can’t get over the fact that Trump thinks he can tweet something and it becomes reality, like Twitter is a genie that grants wishes.
Since this is Warren-related, look what some asshole Trump supporters did:
If you can, when you are having the issue, send them a notification in real time. They have requested that I do that..... cS also thought that the ads might be interfering with JavaScript; and there would be no way for us to know. The Help Desk has been very immediate in their responses. Good peeps. Maybe this can…
Call me crazy, but I’m starting to get the vague sense that we may not be able to just reach across the aisle and reason with these folks.
Republican slogans;
Stay strong, union sisters and brothers.