
It means “I got mine” (Repugnican mating call)

Seems like I can just keep using this gif

Who would have thought?

“Everybody representing the Republicans I thought was really good and the other side was typically biased”—Compro-biased waste of space

If this administration manages to get us into a war, I’m sure the same care would be taken in getting us in and how it would be managed for the duration...

My experience was that if you didn’t tip the host, you’d get less people or less favorable people seated in your section. If you didn’t tip the bussers, they wouldn’t clean up fast enough. If you didn’t tip the bartender the drinks wouldn’t be as good. If you didn’t tip the kitchen, the individual table's orders would



In a nutshell:

With screen resolutions exceeding 1080P, and data speeds available being as high as they are...I doubt they’ll go for it, at least not in the US.

mmmmm...acid washed....

Because Gerry Mander and voter suppression are far worse than them pesky Ruskies...just a guess

“Does this need to be on repeat every five minutes?”

Hurray for civil disobedience!

Perhaps we don’t need to make the ultimate telescopes, but optical ones that can be smaller, less expensive, and work from orbit, or the Moon.

¡Sí! Todito. ¡Que ganas de comer tacos¡ Las voces son, pues ya sabés cómo somos los Mexicanos...un poco exagerados, un poco sentimentales, y nos gusta la realidad mágica...después de un rato te olvidas, especialmente con solo ver tantos tacos!

You want to build on the moon? Mars? Atmospheric interference?