
Moral high horse is the Worcestershire sauce of the GOP.

That appears to be the wrong tunnel

It’s about time...a few hundred years late and countless families wiped out...but it’s time

Now playing

“new population of people who are perhaps more hospitable to socialist ideals”

The kids were informed of their rights. They fully understood what was going on.

Concentration camps™

We're going to need a whole lot more of that



They’re getting big fat checks in political good will in a red state run by a Republican governor, lieutenant governor, CFO, state controlled house, state controlled senate, US senators, US representatives, the police union...want me to keep going?

Ah, yes. Alistair Cooke at his finest!

Of course you’ve got people on both sides. A majority are on the right side and you, motherfucker, are on the wrong one. Buh-bye, shit-head! Imma piss on your grave!

I hear ya

Don’t worry, the white-wash has started:

I’d that to:the GOP means immigrants who are not white”

Hey there fellow frogs! Is it me or is the water getting too warm?