
Starring for epic username

This seems fine!

Out of all the whiny fanbases in sports with an undeserved persecution complex, you Pats fans take the title. Such a bunch of snivelling babies.

You don’t understand football.

He’s a 60-year-old basketball player, memes are not his specialty.

They just need to do a little jiggery-pokery with the roster and they’ll be fine.

If you’re married to Jason Dufner then yeah probly

Rhonda and Serena for sure are amazing to watch.

Lots of people like this stuff. I don’t know why, but lots of people do.

Oh, I see what you’re saying. This was filmed for Snapchat. I get it now. This was very Snapchatty.

It’s not inconsequential. For instance, when video of that cop in Texas terrorizing those black kids at a pool surfaced it was done in landscape and if it’s in portrait you miss much of the scene. It’s doubtful it would have gone viral if it had been filmed in portrait.

Don’t excuse the people still filming in portrait. If you watch a video on the phone it’s better in landscape at all times. And on a computer it really is just a terrible viewing experience. There is NO excuse.

No, you should be applauded. Because this has got to stop. No. More. Portrait video. Just stop

See this is where you lose me, cuz that’s a golf club.


Dude, Gilbert, you can use my Netflix password. Or like anyone else’s Netflix password on the planet. I’ll even create a profile for you.

Tip your Uber X driver

The only possible way, and it’s still bs, to hate Steph Curry is because he’s unhateable

First you say “I’m sorry, sometimes I have a hard time hearing.” Then “could you point out the item you’d like?”