“Oh my dear friend, how I’ve missed you,” says a returning character to another in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.…
“Oh my dear friend, how I’ve missed you,” says a returning character to another in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.…
Your answer is informative, helpful, and non-judgmental. I hate it and I hate you, too.
Cloud, the angsty star of Final Fantasy VII, will be available later today for Smash Bros., limit breaks and all.…
How old were you when your heart just shriveled up and died?
Last night I played Destiny for the first time in a while. It started out amazing, then got noticeably less amazing.
Get a haircut you hippy
Feels a little awkward watching Jesus Christ kill people in this game
The new Rainbow Six is out. It’s supposedly equal parts destructive and tactical. Let’s find out if it’s any good.
Missed the first quarter of the game in order to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas with the boys. Tuned into the game afterward. Quoting my oldest: “Of all the Cleveland Browns in the world, these are the Cleveland Browniest.”
as one should
Well, yeah, that’s the entire Gamergate platform in a nutshell.
Get a haircut, hippie.
I hope he gets all of it.
Its a seasonal chicken stuffed with turkey.
I’m sorry, I know that our coverage of Dota 2 isn’t anywhere near as comprehensive as our coverage of League or HOTS, and am always trying to learn more about the game to solve that. I still don’t feel literate enough in a lot of Dota 2 things to cover an eSports event like the Frankfurt Major in great detail like I…
Thanks for stepping up and being “that guy,” there’s a real shortage of them around here.
Gorilla tactics.
To be distracted by a large banana?
He seems to be holding it down fairly well.