
Can’t wait for it. There were just a lot of really, really stupid takes, along the same lines of “xbox announcement will reveal hardware is canceled!

Now playing

C+C Music Factory’s ‘Gonna Make You Sweat’

Want the best part of this? It is the same writer, the story is made by the same person that worked on Morbius. They literally rewarded mediocrity

You realize the Morbius Re-release is one of the greatest cases of a large corporation getting punked in the history of PR.

I mean how about a remake , but with the original soundtrack and voicework kept in . Still epensive to make but not AS expensive

Problem is do you have a couple of million after that to actually make a game for us 🥺

Wonder if I save my pennies and dimes long enough, if I couldn’t get the Legacy Of Kain IP off Embracer for a cool 150K or so? I’m sure modern Crystal isn’t in a hurry to revisit the series, but I’ll be damned if I’m not.

It’s incredibly cool that this company of incompetent boobs was allowed to buy up basically every videogame IP that wasn’t already spoken for (and some that were).

If you had asked me how long ago she left I’d have guess a few years ago.

Also I am guessing with GamePass there are a lot of people not buying Hi-Fi Rush and Penitent... so it makes sense to make money from them by selling them on other platforms. 

All things equal I really do know that Gamepass is a much better value. I would think that would push people to xbox - but I know I would be wrong. Both consoles barely have any exclusives worth getting a console for (not including cross-gen titles).

Nothing at the moment, but I prefer sativa usually.

Dude can rock up on set once, finish the role in a couple of days in a recording booth, and get paid.

Ok, so it was more like a kick in the dick than it was a slap in the face.

Alright, I get the older generations having a 7-8 year “life-cycle” because tech was rapidly advancing in more groundbreaking ways, but it feels ridiculous for this generation. It feels like we’ve barely gotten anything really cementing this generation as truly special. Sure, it could come in the next 3-4 years, but

Games still releasing ps4 versions and the ps5 is already halfway done?

I’m confused. I have yet to see more than a handful of truly next gen games. It feels like we barely have enough legitimate next-gen titles to launch a console with. Unless the PS6 comes with something truly unbelievable I’m probably going to hold out until the “pro” variant comes out and stick with PC gaming in the

Um... directly from the article?

This is why the whole multiverse thing is a lead weight around the neck of Marvel.

Nothing matters, there are infinite versions of everyone. There’s no peril or dramatic tension, nothing has consequence.

there are 3 different peter parkers in the mcu, 2 rhoadies if were being pedantic as well