Fuck off, Rob, you irrelevant piece of shit.
Fuck off, Rob, you irrelevant piece of shit.
Besson is a shit director, and this sounds like a dumb idea.
Enterprise is the second best series.
Can this shit get cancelled and go away?
Wow, this AlanMorlock fellow sure is a giant douchebag.
Bullshit. It was a terrible film, filled with stupid sped-up footage that looked like a dusty cartoon.
Oh, we’re calling this piece of shit a “miracle” now?
Yep - it’s a snooze-fest.
Well, Kanye, sweetie, you tried.
The government is not doing it to the corporation, but to us, the American public, you asshat.
You’re anti-American and you sicken me.
Same busted-ass, old, outdated and irrelevant finger pointing.
Oh, Taryn, ghosts don't exist except in the minds of the weak, stupid or alcoholic-addled.
The envy and butthurt is strong in Magary.
It’s a bunch of crap.
Can we just get past this shitty “musical” and the “mastermind” behind it?
Fuck off, Trendacosta.
I guarantee you wouldn’t have been able to “tell” if no one had told you, asshat.
90% of people bitching about “body shaming” are over-sensitive, ignorant little cunts who wish to make the world so bland, politically correct and uninteresting that thoughts of genocide seem almost appealing again.