
Damn, the anti-Piper sentiment is a shock.


That the Coen Brothers aren’t regularly accused of being “obnoxious fucking douches”. That moron above is projecting its own feelings, not stating something factual.

Bullshit. Your own baggage doesn’t equate with some deep observation about others, dearie.

Are you going to fucking well sit there, type that shit, and completely ignore the historical and social contextual settings of most of those films?


Hey, guess what?

Oh, well.

Well, in this case, that lunatic woman is correct.

do you actually know any nice people who like steely dan? because i don’t.

It was the “seedy creepy vibe” that bothered me.

Fuck Jada. She’s her own set of problems and needs to be ignored.

Copy that.

Oh, bullshit.

Oh, it’s also clearly about the younger asshole on the motorcycle.

Well, aren’t you just precious?

Sure, because some douchenozzle kid who just passed a test within the year is going to be a safer and better driver?

All of them.

Warcraft is most likely to be “huge”, but on the negative end of that scale, as in “huge failure”.

Perhaps it’s because you’re an ignorant cunt aching to be sued for libel?