clementine ford

Small feet are not considered by the vast, vast majority of society to be a sign of weakness, greed, worthlessness and stupidity. Not being able to buy teensy tiny wee little slippers is annoying. It's not insulting, and it's not a mass conspiracy to try and make you feel like you don't have a right to exist.

I read your comment, but all I see is this.

Oh, I totally understand. I definitely wasn't pulling the Lindy Burns trick. (In Australia, there's a presenter on our national broadcaster in Melbourne called Lindy Burns. Whenever you point out the major gender disparity in Australian media, particularly radio, there's always a handful of people who say, "BUT WHAT

Oh, my bad. I thought it was Disney Pixar, not just Disney.

I gave a lecture last year on women's representation in the media and in pop culture (if you want depressing stats, the transcript can be found here: and I looked at some of the ways stories about girls and women are seen as niche and isolating to boys. This was a

I just posted this comment on my FB wall in praise and a friend replied, "Isn't that more or less the plot of Shrek? I knew there was a reason I liked that film other than the line, 'I've got a dragon here I'm not afraid to use...I'm a donkey on the edge!"

I concur. Mulan is badass.

Sorry, just saw this! It's my actual name. But I had such a horn for Sawyer that it became a little weird when I realised he'd named his daughter Clementine Ford.

Hoo boy, I've done that. Somehow, the idea of bad sex seems easier to deal with than telling someone to leave because they kiss like a jackhammer. Terrible! Mind you, that was many years ago. I think now I'd have the confidence to put a stop to things.

I tell you who wouldn't stand for this nonsense from students. Coach and Principal Taylor, that's who.

Well, that settles it. I'm going to start referring to the old downstairs as 'my Voldemort'.

I second everyone here protesting at the flippancy of this headline. Lindy Chamberlain and her husband initiated this final coroner's investigation - she had technically been absolved of the crime, but it hadn't been logged by the coroner as being conclusively the result of a dingo attack. This investigation was

It was just such an ironic that shame that nobody aside from Claire could also not act.

Ugh. So much for all of Gaga's born this way crap.

Sorry, that reply should have been to @operasara. There are definitely problems with the way toys are marketed to girls, but I keep hoping that one day we can have a more nuanced conversation about it rather than just complaining about how awful pink is.

I agree with everything you've said. I wrote this piece for The Age in Australia on pretty much this exact thing. It has a problematic title, but that's overworked, underpaid sub editors for you: []

Now playing

I can't be the only one who immediately thought of this.

Do you even go here?

I had a sex dream about Ryan last night. I'm pleased to report he was sexsational.

BREAKING: Harvard students procrastinate while studying, make non-offensive document, amuse only each other!