@mcdermla: I only included Sarah Palin because the stupid things she says actually seek to control the way other people live their lives. Amanda Bynes? Not so much.
@mcdermla: I only included Sarah Palin because the stupid things she says actually seek to control the way other people live their lives. Amanda Bynes? Not so much.
@eatsshootsleaves: It's cool. I've rattled off my fair share of tetchy emails/comments at 2am.
@eatsshootsleaves: It's cool. I've rattled off my fair share of tetchy emails/comments at 2am.
@EKane - say it wit ya CHEST!: Amen to that. Even if Amanda Bynes' tweets ARE representative of the complexity of her thoughts, they are not hurtful to anyone. Those people who make sport of her are no better than your average misogynist who rates women based on their bodies. It's mean spirited and bitchy, and those…
@vulcanized: I spent a few months in Spain last year and found the beach experience liberating.
Here's something I often wonder when reading Jezebel - why is it not okay to body snark but totally okay to brain snark?
@frankie22: I just want to know if he's pumped up on the pure spirit of the Lord, or just good old fashioned meth.
@Scratch (ex Jenrobe): Amen. If the Liberals hadn't dropped Turnbull so unceremoniously, this election would be a shoo-in for them.
@myvaginaishostile: You're not actually addressing any of the arguments SkaHimself is making.
@perditamarie: That is such an illogical argument. Hate the book and the movie because they're poorly constructed or you simply don't like the premise, but suggesting that poor women won't be able to relate because they could never emulate it is not only extremely presumptuous, it's also incorrect.
@fatmonalisa: I haven't seen the film yet, but I was confused by the casting. Javier Bardem is about 20 years too young for a start.
The EPL hate is not getting any more insightful or interesting. I get it. A bunch of you read it and hated it and resent the fact that a privileged woman traveled for a year and 'found herself' in a way you do not approve of or find superficial, or simply hated the writing. A bunch of you didn't read it and just…
She looks like a young Kristin Scott Thomas.
@audreyapple: Also, she and Jake Gyllenhaal have as much romantic spark as a bowl of suet pudding.
I get that Anne Hathaway is beautiful and has deluxe porcelain skin. I'm even willing to buy that she's a good actress. But I have never warmed to her on screen. If the above trailer is anything to go by, she's continuing her quest to channel every fabulous and famous actress under the sun while bringing very little…
@annebreal: Yes, yes and triple yes. Zach Braff might like to fancy himself as some kind of mid 80s Jason Bateman, but a-not-even cursory look reveals him to be Troy Dyer's less attractive cousin.
Misogyny and delusions of grandeur, together at last.
I was rewatching Veronica Mars the other day and came across a cute little Lost easter egg. Somewhere in season two, an episode ends with Veronica sticking a fortune cookie fortune on her mirror.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I actually *am* sick of Betty White.
@sarah-jane: Oh my god, Susie O'Brien is the worst. I can't believe she gets any attention at all.