clementine ford

@judgingnora: No, nor me. For me, it trivialises what happened because it seems so secretly voyeuristic.

@Theomeny: "There were the nights where she probably was crying on the floor while he undid his pants."

I'm confused as to why no one has commented on Garrido's wife. He is clearly an insane rapist who deserves to have his soul sucked out be Dementors. But she helped to kidnap Jaycee and presumably stood by while he raped her and forced her into motherhood.

@tinydundie42: AND Emile Hirsch. Reefer with a threefer...

@NewsBunny: Be reasonable. It's bad enough that people are going to have to see actual dirty pubic hair (yik!) on screen - but if they had to see it on fat people? I think we all know what would would happen.

@labeled: "And the fact that some internet commenters decided to, I don't know, hurt her feelings doesn't resonate with me."

@Eleanor Ramilly: Zooey Deschanel should be precluded from ever winning an Oscar for agreeing to be in that utter dreck, (500) Days of Annoying Hipsters Reading Wilde and Listening to Alt Music.

@QuorraMioli: Should clarify this was my comment as 'guest' and that i didn't copy it...

This is the same woman who once said she'd rather be thought of as The Body than The Brain. I think we're going to need a bigger boat with this one.

@heatherwritesstuff: My pleasure! Let's do a swapsies and I'll read Under the Banner of Heaven and we can trade notes :)

@heatherwritesstuff: It's well worth a visit. I understand your reluctance, but some background. Brooks is an Australian journalist who spent six years living in the Middle East as a correspondent. She's also a Pulitzer prize winning author. Nine Parts of Desire is mostly fascinating because it delves into a lot of

@heatherwritesstuff: Oh, well in those respects I agree. I forgot to mention this in my comment above but I also don't believe a ban is the most practical way of addressing what some perceive to be oppression. I agree with other commentors here that such a thing will probably only lead to marginalisation and in

@heatherwritesstuff: I'm not sure you're entirely getting the point of why Diziet_Sma posted that link. Isn't it taken as read on Jezebel that western women are 'shackled by their own sexualisation'? But while no one questions that assumption, in a thread like this it can appear that commenters bend over backwards to

@Downes: What do you think happens when someone erects a giant wall that, if you take the kind of anti 'propaganda ministry' tack you seem to be going for, seems to then exist apropos of nothing? Oh that's right. It separates people and acts as a barrier.

@audreyapple: Sorry, that was meant to be as a response to Downes.

What do you think happens when someone erects a giant wall that, if you take the kind of anti 'propaganda ministry' tack you seem to be going for, seems to then exist apropos of nothing? Oh that's right. It separates people and acts as a barrier.

@thrombus: While I agree this is a truly heinous 'essay' and Todd is an appalling writer, you can't really criticise him for saying 'scoff'. If you told an Australian you were scarfing down some food, they would have no idea what you were talking about. In our antipodean land, scarves are for wearing and scoffing is

@Vivien Smith-Smythe-Smith: My conception came after a particularly successful golf game, the news of which was shortly followed by a vasectomy. Take from that what you will.

@Sev: I think if you could, a lot more women in their thirties would be having them...