
Instead of our far right politicians and our super lefty politicians all screaming at each other and re-doing and undoing each others' legislation and one upping each other's crazy ideology, we should just put Michelle Duggar in a room with Rachel Maddow and tell them to figure it out.

Ohdeargod, where was this cross posted?

Tiny Clementine is adopted. So I'm quadruple dreading the "is that what you and daddy did?" question. I probably shouldn't answer it: "Oh, hells yah we did. every effing month every other day between the 10th and 20th day of my cycle for 10 years. And sometimes we had the special doctor help the seeds in daddy's balls

Yes. Me, too.

Can I just say that if you're the kind of person that eats bacon or hot dogs *every day* it might be that you have a whole host of unhealthy eating (and probably living) habits that are going to decrease your lifespan. I mean, I love a hot dog from time to time as much as anyone... but I couldn't eat more than one a

She talks complete nonsense! Why is that obvious to me but my mom just doesn't get that she's talking nonsense? What does my mom think she's hearing? Is it like the tasting cilantro thing where people who don't like it are actually not tasting the thing that makes people like it?

BabyClem just turned one two weeks ago. I had a ball themed party (because BabyClem's first word was ball). There were some balls as decoration, but mostly just a lot of circles on the wall that my baby would point to and say "ball! ball!." And we had a little ball pit. We made it out of an inflatable swimming pool,

For days I have been overwhelmed with the urge to wash her face, brush her hair and put it in a ponytail, and put her in a good pair of jeans and a nice shirt. I want to give her a soft warm sweater and a great book and a cup of hot cocoa and sit her on a big comfy chair with a cashmere throw and not let her get up

Taking a birth control pill is terrible, they can make you gain weight, they screw with your cycle, they give you stress and anxiety about having to remember to do something every single day or risk an unplanned pregnancy. I was on the pill for about 4 years, until I was 18 or 19 and really preferred not to use them

"I think it opens up the chance that sometime in the future we might get to the point of having an unlimited source of human eggs." That sounds like the opening explanation for the end of days that happened before the beginning of a movie about the post-apocalyptic lone-guy-hero-on-the-planet.

she reminds me so much of Dolly Parton. i heart her.

It's no big deal, guys. I put posthumous Anne Frank on my trivia team at the Flying Saucer. She doesn't answer any questions but it is awesome having someone so fucking smart on our team.

If people like you, me, Chelsea, other celebrities, could TALK ABOUT OUR ABORTIONS, then abortions wouldn't always be something that other people do. I always feel like conversations about abortions are always so hypothetical and about what other hypothetical women do. I am often the weirdo at a table who says "well,

And on another page on the internet is a story exactly the same as yours, only those people *are* abusers and the kid went home with them and died after being beaten to death 4 days later because she left her shoes by the door instead of putting them in her closet. And all the commenters are saying if only CPS had

I'm sorry you hate it. That's everyone's worst fear when getting a tattoo. I hope you figure it out, and I'm sure it's no consolation, but I think it's lovely.

When I was in the 7th grade my family was on a ski trip. As it started to get dark my mom said she'd go pick up my sister from her ski class and I could go one more run down the slope. As she was walking away, I whimsically shouted after her "Don't take too long, I could get RAPED out here!!" She whipped around and

Question for my big city jezefriends: I've never lived in a big city with frequent and common buskers; I *did* live in Nashville, but those performers are different... So question: can it be (or is it ever?) a legitimate profession/trade where a person can make a decent living? The street performers and buskers I've

yes, of course. i should have edited to add:

Hey bros: Never have sex with a drunk chick.

So now, instead of one rule that authority-challenging adolescents have to remember and follow and teachers have to police, there are now two rules that authority-challenging adolescents have to remember and follow and teachers have to police. Nice.