
<Detectives approach a towering man, slam-dunking boxes into the back of a truck>

I swear his arm extended a few inches just to make it to the rim

It’s ok to have a personal preference, but that’s doesn’t make for an objective review. I don’t like cubism or heavy metal, but I respect those genres and would defer to others to judge works from those categories. That’s because I will ALWAYS prefer mediocre fare from genres I like to excellent fare from genres I

According to the director, cast, and screenwriter; yes, they did 

I didn’t really know much about him before, but after watching the documentary, ‘awkward af’ was the definite impression I got

Have any of the victim’s families said otherwise?

Why? You’re doing it for free

Yeah, that sounds probable actually. Arya can’t kill all the big bads, can she? Then again, kingkiller is also queenkiller?!?

With those legs, a few strides go a long way 

I don’t know why everyone is saying Jamie is gonna kill Cersei. Olenna already told us that Cersei is going to be the end of him

And more accurately; once you have a baby/get older/whatever epochal change you’d like to fill in here, you realize that what you thought was being cool and interesting just isn’t a priority anymore 

Like us, so shall ye become

Disliking Guernica because it isn’t an good example of the Italian Renaissance style is not a good way to judge art

I agree it’s not fair to judge art for not being what you want it to be. The rest of his critique hold up, however 

One day I was informed that Sally Timms was the somewhat eccentric English woman that frequented the coffee shop I worked at in Chicago. That was really cool, and makes me cool too.

This guy is commissioner material!

Doppelgängers. A sneaky Easter egg ushering in the Magus and the comic version of the Infinity War storyline.

Thrifty and effective. I thought that was terrifying 

Did Melisandre just pull off the necklace, or did she promise her life to the god of light for victory?

Bad at screenwriting? Hell, you could be the third Coen brother