
i think they’ve been avengers at some point in the comics. but everyone has really. i think i was an avenger at one point in the mid-90s


that would be the sports politician answer. look to the, “fuck that motherfucker” exclamation for a more accurate sense of his feelings 

cold take!

you sir, have just lost a bet!

I loved it. good critiques here, but I still love it 

both heroes

air bnb?

granted, the Milwaukee Bucks Twitter have traditionally been a bit of homers

it’s more like an aspen than a regular tree 

ooh, Ego’s been on Spontaneanation a lot. does this mean SNL is going improv now?

yeah, she needs to smile at ME, pay attention to ME! validate my masculinity!

what a fresh take!

one bart Starr (patent pending) for you 

by merit, of all things!

 no one Vikes that

im pretty sure Katz is a Jon Gabrus character

make this guy an owner!

ignorance of Poe’s Law is no excuse, and I don’t care that people didn’t get the joke.

knowing when to delegate is a trait of good leadership