this is bizarre
this is bizarre
i’m not, nor ever was claiming that this kid will radicalize, but i’ll rephrase and elaborate on my previous statement: “any group of people will behave in predictable ways given the same variables. oppress, and economically limit (marginalize) large numbers of a religious minority and you get terrorists.”
they joined because they felt marginalized
no, any group of people will behave in predictable ways given the same variables. oppress, and economically limit large numbers of a religious minority and you get terrorists. i’m referring to northern ireland of course. or maybe it was the protestant population of magdeburg? jacobins? the Zealot sect? fuck, why can’t…
not on an individual basis, but over large populations it is a statistical certainty
cannot understand, oh about every 10th word at the press conference
Monty Python skits don’t count as history. painting an era with a simplistic, cartoon brush is as bad as romanticizing
“Congratulations! It’s a girl!”
Hunts-man! Hints-man! Hunts-man!
what have you had to ‘deal’ with that you haven’t sought out?
I just want to know how you’ve managed to control for culture and biological influences and test for which controls for video game proficiency?
historical trends are not destiny
well shit, when you go to see a band live, it’s lame to wear their merch (possibly a generational thing)
it’s eating your feelings when you’re young. after a certain point, it’s eating cus it’s fucking delicious and you have a partner that only cares if you’re gonna be there to drive the kid somewhere
just for clarification, which POV is this pic supposed to support? cus i can say for sure - hubba hubba!
it’s generational and probably owes a lot to Cambpell/Freudian ideas of Father/Son relationships. however, Vader certainly was willing to swap out son for daughter given the opportunity
The current group of officials are classified as part-time workers, with 90% of NFL referees holding other full-time jobs. The league wanted seven referees to work as full-time employees— one for each officiating position (referee, umpire, head linesman, etc.). The full-time officials would work with the league…
now that’s my kind of reference!
putting the unnecessary in unnecessary roughness
sales tax was around 11% when I left. what is it now?