it’s in your face real!
it’s in your face real!
I’m from wfb, did not think of it as irish
it was a pretty big construction project. that said, love the jcc. saw a lot of old man balls there in my day
I always thought it was more German. and a significant jewish population
Shorewood is whiter? no way Jose
220 program! love it
he’s in Milwaukee and Lee Alcindor is long gone
from there and not surprised. I will say, however, that my high school was more diverse than my college experience
damn, you nailed it, Gi and Ga do sound a little different. I guess she is a racist
Southie! she always had great stories on the Paul F Tompkast
V-G-A sounds, and number of syllables
it’s a humor-lie
some people get off on that though, being an obnoxious counter cultural in the midst of madison’s liberal paradise
oh man, I may have been at UW at the same time. kid would not have fit in
the one that happened to my team
your data sets are skewed by other factors. your thesis remains highly suspect
hard for absentee fathers to abuse their children
he has a blog
indeed, the 20th century is the graveyard of nationalism
“ No other goddamned country in the world apologizes for its nationalist policies.”