this is the correct angle
this is the correct angle
hey bro! it’s least VALUABLE, not least relevant.
c’mon now, that’s a bit hyperbolic
hilarious! well done
Madison is on an isthmus, so there is a pretty good chance of him falling into a body of water. Just like Otis Redding!
Onion is the Minnesota jalapeño
That was a weird time in history when the Republican Party had a chance at becoming a relevant 21st century party
Remember when he and McCain were buds? Long time ago
WI dems seem as sleepy as Walker looks. BUT Russ Feingold is running for senate again! Might get a little enthusiasm going
He and Payton would actually be a great parallel for Jacob and Esau
Yeah, cus politicians aren't elusive enough on the issues. Topical.
Colonel and Kenny, the chicken ticket!
No man begotten could have thrown that falling-down-backwards TD strike to jones
you think the faithful of Wisconsin put God before football?
That was kind of his original comment
And the intersection referred to the nature/nuture axis.
Historically speaking
Ah, see this is the intersection between nature’s innate desires and the time honored social tradition of a few prominent older men using their power to restrict sex for others and hoard it for themselves
Empirically false
Cheap date