
I pleased they haven't gone with Japan yet either. People tend to forget that there's already tons of ninja/samurai/assassin games set in Japan. I applaud Ubisoft for avoiding what I feel like would be a cliche. Let's see some untapped territory instead.

I'm really pleased that Ubisoft has chosen not to go to Japan. I feel like Japan is too cliche and overused. It's where they'd expect us to go.

But but but... cinematics! Our eyes cant see it! Its straining my eyes! We dont really neeeeeed 60FPS!

Sounds like the father is the family's biggest problem with his temper problem.

"All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!"

I was disappointed it was the bastardized English version.


There's a whole post about this on the Ubisoft blog.

If only my dick was big enough...