
Aidan wouldn’t have been boring for the right person. Carrie was the wrong person.

I guess that’s who some guys want to marry. Someone sweet and non-threatening.

>“No, we are not going to be okay,” Omarosa said.

Anyone who has ever eaten too much fruit knows it will give you the runs.

I think the stories where Trump was reportedly sick about all of this and called Porter “sick” were totally fake and “leaked” by Ivanka, to try to humanize her Dad.

Pam was not my favorite. She’s just so...vanilla.

In re-watching some early episodes lately, Michael Scott reminds me of Donald Trump is some ways.

That scene gets me every time.

What about when Monica and Chandler brought the twins home from the hospital, right in the middle of them moving into their new house?

He’s just a gorgeous human being.


This is why I haven’t bought the rumors of the last few days that Trump was upset about this.

The message seems to be, if you want to get a girl off the streets, you gots to eat pie!

I know, right? That spokesman is not ready for prime time.

I don’t object to nudity or sex scenes on any moral grounds. But they always pull me out of the narrative.

>”Is it kind of fucked up that the movie is interrogating the extent to which Amy Schumer is not conventionally beautiful, whatever that means?”

The White House spokesman thought he was being clever by pointing out that she’d been fired three times from The Apprentice, and being fired from the White House made it four.

Kelly has lost all credibility.

With a bit of Keri Russell thrown in.

That video is everything.