
It looks to me like she’s holding something in the palm of her hand. A lump of coal? Or a lava rock!

Perfect use of the “Sure, Jan” gif!

Re: the barefoot co-worker.

So cute!

I can’t figure out what’s going on with Ivanka, though.

In one way, the more he talks now, the less he has to fear from Putin. It’s holding Putin’s secrets that is dangerous.

I saw this yesterday, but I missed how Kellyanne just keeps talking and talking while they drag her away.

The CNN story dropped Friday night. It was probably leaked at that time so all the co-conspirators would have three nights and two full days to wonder and worry.

All of that would give anyone a headache. LOL.

I’m so sorry you went through all of that.


I don’t get it.

I’m someone with legitimate pain issues, who decided to go off opioids, anyway, because I was sick and tired of being treated like a criminal by the pain management doctors.

I’d like to try one of these, but the price tag is a bit high.

I’d like to try one of these, but the price tag is a bit high.

Took me a minute.

His recent comments about the press being unfair to Trump and how Trump isn’t such a bad guy, would seem to prove your point.

The only thing they did wrong, as far as I can see, is lie about it. When the existence of the dossier became public in January, the DNC should have stepped up and said, “Yes, we did.”

Men like this seem to think that everyone is as enraptured with their dicks as they are.

This was actually kind of historic. He didn’t just take jabs at Trump. He spoke for ten minutes, from the heart, and tore into Trump in a way we haven’t really seen yet from a Republican.

Couldn’t it just be that when these characters were in high school and even college, they were considered losers and geeks, and thus they are inexperienced and somewhat scared of women?