
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Hurray for some good news, for a change!

It’s for people who want to answer the question “Who’s John?” all day.

He’s completely missing the symbolism of having a movie centered only around a female superhero, and one who kicks serious ass.


Since she clearly said she doesn’t expect to receive the same pay as Chappelle or Rock, why does your headline imply the opposite?

>In what I think we can all agree was a singularly wise move, Solange has deleted her Twitter account,

Every year on that day, I have a Mint Milano in their honor.

It means we don’t accept their right to discriminate against and damn-to-hell all the homosexuals.

If you are relatively young and healthy, and only have trouble sleeping a couple of times a month, I don’t get the big deal, either.

Doesn’t it?

Definitely. You have to be a responsible patient. Don’t take more than you’re supposed to, and don’t get behind the wheel when you are impaired.

Thank you for the kind thoughts.

Doctors have gotten weird as sh*t about this stuff, because of the DEA’s constant pressure on them to tightly control anything that actually works.

The doctors don’t exactly make it easy to keep them. For pain management, I had to be drug tested all the time, to make sure I WAS taking the pills, and not selling them, and to make sure I WASN’T taking anything illegal, including medical marijuana.

My primary care doctor prescribed the Xanax and Ambien. I had to go to a Pain Management clinic for the painkillers.

Not true. If you take too much of either or both, sure.

Not really.

I bet writing this article was good for your brand, Kelly.