
i really love that giant mirror sitting on the floor next to the giant indoor fire pit next to the bunk beds.

maybe it was Folgers

just so we're all ready: this will change nothing. Bannon was never a puppetmaster - Trump is definitely his own fool.

Russia certainly participated.

oh how i love In Ear Park

he likes portraits of himself.

and they edit the files with the arcane editor, ewocs.

it's going to be a campy musical called "Oh Be-have!"


Luke! that was my barium! now i'll have to reschedule my upper-GI scan!


smokin, drinkin and whorin will wear a body down

Joe (by S3, he's become less "mysterious 80s Draper" and more his own thing).

no, not really soapy. it's office politics.

tearing down the statues fits perfectly with their whole "PC left running amok" narrative.

he was bearing down on his colon between tweets.

i'm not rich. but i collect wine.
in my liver.

B-Boy Beaujolais!

it's not a bad show. my wife and i watch it. but the characters can be quite frustrating, and the stories are sometimes implausible.