
"Neoliberalism" is one of those words that means exactly what the speaker means; and more often than not it means "not as left as i pretend to be on the internet". the fact that, once upon a time, it had a specific academic meaning makes for nice footnotes. but today, there's no reason to believe the speaker knows or

Carter, LBJ, JFK - liberal

But the word policing PC people took things too far.

probably the greatest sin of guitar store douches is the endless, endless tuning,

fuck off, troll

yes, it's such a surprise. so shocking. never could have guessed.

mostly iPhone shuffle. it's nice that it can stream stuff that i've bought from iTunes that i haven't downloaded onto the iPhone itself. but it's not nice that there's no way to tell it that i never, ever, want it to play anything from certain albums.

it's pronounced "squayr-yull"

i can not stand his voice. he's always whining.

you do you, but i'm personally opposed to the idea of conditioning another person's basic humanity on their politics.

Why should we have sympathy with such a man?

i've tried watching Grease2, but i've never been able to make it all the way through. it feels so contrived? uninspired? hackish? compared to the original. the original was charming and original. the sequel was "let's try that again!"

the stick up your ass, did you put it there yourself?

Oh, Crimea River

High Quality Donnie's got a sweet deal for you on this gently-used 1994 Chevy Caprice!

when you live to be 150, you'll thank me for making you eat like a tortoise

when i become Emperor, i will forbid the use and manufacture of mayonnaise, aioli, aji and all other egg/oil/vinegar sauces.

mayo based BBQ sauce for chicken?

For the mayo-averse, it's very thinned out by the liquid,