
he left out the muslim americans who want to kill us

sex tbh

anyone make a “people work in cleveland?” joke yet?

nah billy you eat shit

To each their own. Tebow, of course, doesn’t have an obligation to give it up; Culpo, in turn, doesn’t need to wait around for anything.

deadspin has chosen their torchbearer and Cam be thy name

i assume you won’t be reporting on obamacare’s rising rates?

I’m a patriots fan. I was at the bar the other day in Patriots gear and the Pats fan next to me was getting into it with some guy about the Patriots being cheaters. At one point he turned to me and asked if I was “gonna back him up here”. I just shrugged. Whatever, some of the sketchiness seems valid, but also people

yeah there’s young and impressionable and then there’s traveling to the middle east to join ISIS

eh your kid’s not that cute

they had the sound off at the bar i was watching from

seriously. i had my laptop in the microwave after i read the headline

but she is adorable

$15 mil? get fucked, mohamed.

who gives a shit

with users on social media labeling the film as transphobic

calmer than you are dude

sentence just camde down. 188 months in prison. over 15 years.

this should go over well with the mouthbreathers at r/kotakuinaction

god you’re a fucking idiot