Do you think the bridge is designed to withstand the force of those water jets?
Do you think the bridge is designed to withstand the force of those water jets?
Does he know what an “existential threat” is? He should talk to some LGBTQ folks at Pride and ask what they think it is.
Have you ever flown them? I thought it was perfectly fine.
It’s really nice your father wrote the bio. When I wrote my dad’s obituary, it was stressful because you’re already grieving and you want to do right by the person.
I do not need to comment on this post to point out the intersectional irony of mocking Italian dialect in a video about gender-based harassment. It is obvious and will only cause others to respond that I am missing the greater harm in the situation. I do not need to push publish. I am the sound of one hand clapping.
OMG, I am dying to read Philippe Reines perfunctory prose! — Literally, I will be dead reading it over a glass of cognac in Hell.
And they call it acting.
Putin still has you on the payroll?
Do they pay you for snark, or is that just gratuitous?
I’m pretty sure you have no real friends.
The real benefit to SwiftKey is the prediction technology and heat maps that understand the key you meant to push - - not just keys saved. I mash the digital keys on my phone as fast as my old T9 and SwiftKey always figures out what I meant to say.
You’ve got to admire her for just going for it. She had a vision and stuck with it, consequences be damned.
So what you’re saying is the Chinese government should set up a server in the US to relay your information through and you wouldn’t notice / care?
On their website, the casino is “Described as Monte Carlo meets Gone with the Wind”
21st Century Unsolicited Cat Call + amplified & destigmatized by Turner media conglomerate = rape culture
This is the most assine thing Ive ever read. Everyone on the planet has some prejudice.
As a sex offender, Harvey Weinstein displays an obvious propensity for specific recidivism of the assault/harassment we know about. But with such a high quantity of incidents, his risk general risk for recidivism is also likely high. I would not be surprised to hear that he is committing all kinds of crimes, all of…
Let’s not forget the rumors about Bob Saget
Gore Vidal: “The difference between Italian boys and American boys is... the Italian boys have dirty feet and clean assholes, while American boys have clean feet and dirty assholes.”
Listen, if you’re going to go on Jeopardy just spend a weekend and memorize the location of all the major bodies of water. You don’t know them. Just do it.