
You know, Taran Killam started on Nickelodeon too. Why does no one remember Moody's Point?

You know her actress is from Mexico right?

The way that all of these characters keep hooking up, wouldn't at all be surprised if Connor and Oliver broke up and he ended up having sex with Asher too. Or with Wes. Or Michaela and Wes. Or Michaela and Laurel. Or Bonnie and Connor. Heck, why not just an orgy. We all know that's where the show's headed.

Openly gay at the time of the win. Elton John was still in the closet when he won. At least I think so. I may be wrong.

The sketches from old SNL are just like the ones now. The only difference is that back then, being racially insensitive and homophobic was funny. Now it's not.

Give children more credit.

Uh, Connor, there are other law schools. Why is Stanford your only option? And why did you pick one of the hardest schools to transfer to?

Yes. Bring back Kahn.

Really Annalise? How long have you been with Nate? And you don't know if he eats red meat?

So that's what Frank does? He's her secretary?

Have you ever actually seen the movie? Because this was way different.

As a young person, I care about Grease and most people my age have seen it. My high school did a performance of it. Don't watch something because of the cast.

I have a new crush and his name is Jordan Fisher.

Ariana has the unfortunate excuse of being really short and having a high voice, which makes her appear younger. Selena is tall and has a normal voice. It's all in her face.

I think that every time I see her. She looks like a little girl and always has. That's why I can't find her sexy.

I can see how you could draw that conclusion, but I think the joke is that she is so forward and brash. The character would still work if Aidy or another cast member who wasn't "conventionally attractive" was doing it.

I think that every time I look at her. She looks like a little girl and always has. That's why I can't find her sexy.

Season 20 was pretty bad too, and those seasons had people that would go on to be big stars.

And that one was much funnier. I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers it.

I like the way he looks. I'm not saying he's hot or ugly. I'm just saying I like it.