
Pete Davidson makes all young people look bad. I know he's just playing a part, but I hope people know that he isn't a proper representation of all of us.

Interesting how no one noticed that Myron wasn't in the final performance, not even me.

I'm very curious as to how old these characters are supposed to be. The only age I can place is Hakeem who I assume is 18/19, but everyone else, I'm stumped.

I believe it started with Kool Moe Dee and 'LL Cool J in the 80s and just escalated from there. But really, it's because their real names are either really boring or really embarrassing.

I liked that they just went right into the Anika being a double-crosser thing. It's more realistic. In real life, stuff isn't dragged out like it is on TV. If someone knows something, they tell right away, especially someone like Cookie. If my man was cheating on me, I'd confront him immediately. That's one of the

I don't know why I didn't see Myron dressing as the Chandelier girl coming as soon as the song started but it caught me off guard.

I am way more attracted to Taram Killam than Chris Hemsworth.

Yay! Someone else hates Ally McBeal.

Maybe they are both bisexual.

Everyone seems to hate Myron but I love him. I thought he was hilarious.

When I was in elementary school, we had a rope in gym. We never had to climb it. We all swung on it. Gym wasn't graded when I was in elementary school anyway.

Agreed. Not my cup of tea either. I'm more attracted to Roderick.

No offense to Arianna Grande. I love her, but I think Rachel's voice suited "Break Free" a lot better. Lea Michele should've sang that song.

I bet Charlie regrets that role now.

At least Alfred is doing something. I haven't seen most of those Harry Potter supporting careers doing much with their careers. He's on a highly rated American television show.

Michaela pulled a Connor. Nice.

Exactly. His character could've just been British. If he can't do the accent, then just let him talk with his normal voice.

I was born in 1995 and I knew every song sung in the episode.

The music was great. I'll give it that.
Also, how old is Max George? People keep saying he's old but I'm pretty sure he's only in his late 20s.

I refuse to believe that Mario Lopez was that big of a douchebag. Dustin just doesn't like him. This whole movie was full of lies. And those actors didn't do any of them justice at all.