
Someone please let me know what QA stands for?

On a similar note, my roommate recently told me his cousin dislocated his jaw when he yawned. I didn't think this stuff was possible.

As of right now, the TWO games I want to play on the 3DS are MGS3D and KH3D, and since I've already played MGS3 many times on the PS2, it's not quite worth spending so much money for a system and one game.

You know what - Thank goodness for these time-lapse videos. How else would we be able to see such beauty at work? Our sense of time just doesn't allow it.

More fluid type control, the crop tool and layer management - this sounds great! A couple of screenshots would have been nice.

"Dante Dears was recently paroled from state prison recently after serving time for his founding role in the Pimpin' Hos Daily organization (PHD). "

Everything aside, this man's face is really unsettling to look at. His photos are horrible and when it's the first thing you see coming into Kotaku, it's frightening.

You didn't play the Alpha series? o_o;

Second Chapter, as far as I know, is a MASSIVE game (2x than FC). XSEED is working on it, slowly but gradually. The problem they have is releasing it - 2 UMDs apparently is proving to be a problem (I'm not too sure about the details) and they don't have programmers to successfully put it up on the PSN. So, they ARE

1943 was my favourite childhood game ever!

The first time I saw it, I lost it at the boxing kangaroo in the elevator.

While I'm sure this is a great RPG to play, I facepalmed at the PS2-esque graphics and the British voice acting actually annoyed me quite a bit in the trailer. I have a problem with the proportions of their heads. Everything from the eyes down are fine, but above that, the head seems to be stretched.

Too much America in games. Come on, people.

Agree, the G series are beasts. I saw one when I was shopping for my current N53, it looked magnificent.

Something along the lines of:

Hmmm.. Can anyone tell me how long Diablo III has been in the beta? It seems like it's been going on for a few months. I hope they have made substantial changes to patch whatever is necessary. As long as it's well rounded before the release, I don't mind waiting.

This was the position they found him in. (HK Apple Daily)

Take my money... TAKE IT!!!

Don't you wish some US polticiains took this kind of approach?

I've never used Wikipedia as a source for my papers. More like for recreational reading.