
I didn't know helicopters can roll!

Yes, but to the PSP, and the Second Chapter won't be out any time soon. Ergo, Falcom needs its programmers to port it to Vita, while XSEED works on the translation :)

Falcom, port Legend of Heroes to the Vita!

Oh dear me. I've had Multifl0w since I jailbroke my phone a while ago, and never did I know there is card-style multitasking. Thanks for the massive heads up!

My brother owns a Windows Phone. I really enjoyed the navigation system it has, and watching the video made me feel quite excited for this. I'm really glad they took the interface design from Windows Phone and made it into Windows 8 on the tablet.

I liked the SC:BW Terran theme better.

A certain part looks like Elite Beat Agents... but less intensive.

What a wonderfully edited video. Great facts and information. I didn't know the industry was larger than the film industry!

Just started playing Uncharted 2 again. The first time through I didn't play it on a HDTV. Now I can see how gorgeous the game is. Can't wait for the 3rd installment. This is going to be LEGENDARY!

This sounded stupid to me at first, but it's growing on me.

(At first glance) Wow, this game looks really beautiful! It also looks like Studio Ghibli fell all over the place here!

But... TRANSFARRING will make it all rainbows and candy.

There's really not that many ferries parked where the shot of Hong Kong was taken...

I'm an exclusive left control-key user. My right hand is reserved for my mouse. My right CTRL key has receives no love from me :).

Weather, calendar and a clock is all I want on my interactive mirror. We have a lot of options to read the news now anyway on our mobile devices... I don't need headlines, H&M sales, or the latest tweet/Facebook update on my mirror. It's going to get too cluttered.

I actually don't use CTRL+P or CTRL+N all too often. They're too far - especially the P.

I love my white PS3, but the golden-ness isn't appealing.

Both were very linear (X, XIII), but X('s story) made sense and had one annoying character. XIII did not, and had a bunch of characters I did not care about.

How would this work on larger planes with 9 seats in a row, like the Boeing 777? Would they board the middle seats first and then the windows seats?

Open your eyes, good sir. They range from giant ChupaChups to your favourite English Football team members.