always remember, the most unifying force for catalans is their unbridled, american style racism.
always remember, the most unifying force for catalans is their unbridled, american style racism.
i get what you’re saying, but that’s why I’m saying you might wanna look into the research on this — it’s all pretty well explained by people way more knowledgeable than me, ‘cause psych isn’t my area of expertise. i don’t like to lecture people on the internet, because who the hell am I...I could be making this all…
dunkin donuts is a fucking abomination. its all over here (and we have 1 krispy kreme in the basement of penn station) and people willingly consume it as it all is well
i think its the leading cause of death for women in general if you include ex partners
please read a book or two on how abuse works, because your “questions” have been answered by almost every single book, tv, show, article, movie, etc about abuse.
I wanna start a blogthing that does linguistic analysis of comments/angry diatribes purported to be written by POC and prove 99% of them are written by greasy white dudes who dropped out of high school because they’re geniuses, but school oppresses their astounding intellects. Because I can always tell, and if I take…
he never lived in a town with a krispy kreme with a “hot doughnuts now” sign
i figured that mess out too early to remember. but not early enough to forget my dad insisting, yes, but Santa had an evil counterpart, Merzy Xman, who kidnapped children and took them down a hole. i was not pleased to hear further porch tale ass foolishness, all with the classic middle aged black dad smirk going, and…
royal dansk cookies come from family dollar my g
my very playful (and mostly POC) high school class came across the word mulatress in “The Wife of his Youth”
don’t feed the trolls, chile. you know black people never say shit like that...
damn i’m waiting for you to get approved so i can see pix
ones that have reasonable salaries for the people who work there - that pay their low level employees wages they can live on comfortably, but don’t have insanely high, corporate level salaries for management.
a lot of people seem to think us mixed ladies are just chompin’ at the bit, ready to throw our sisters under the bus for a “compliment” from the dude in front of us in line at the store or some other such foolishness.
it’s a toilet, not the Heart of Gold. you remove the grout or silicone around it with an exacto knife or chisel or something, then you pick the bitch up.
also, real nonprofits (at least in principle)
RIP Harlem.
also anything that makes fanboys show their ass, racism-wise.
i always figured a lot of that shit was attempts to shock
he’s always annoyed the shit out of me and you just identified why