Claudia Kishi BSC V-P

Well I didnt say he was to blame or even that I think he was to blame BUT you asked so I will say hes not to blame. I dont mean Johnny Depp shoudnt be famuous if thats what he wants. The point is were talking about why didnt Winona keep being famuous its allways Oh she shoplifted that one time AND shes being compared

Theres realy only one thing to say to taht and thats Oni wa soto fuku wa uchi!

Oni wa soto fuku wa uchi!

Yeah. Thats a good point! Not everyone wants to be huge. She was realy famuous at one time and maybe she didnt like it so much.

I dont understand how Johnny Depp can like destroy hotel rooms and be there when River Phoenix died and Winona Ryder just shoplifts that ONE time and everyone is like She cant recover from that. I mean that is just so wierd. Like one thing and thats all anyone talks about.

That actualy made me start imaginging all there relatoinships. Like some are marryed and some are just like uncles who live there and others are neihgbors who just stop by. I mean like what is the main family unit made up of? Becase thats allways the focas of the show isnt it?

Diswiss is ready to spring on our posts and eat them.

No that day I just felt barfy from my stomack. My cousin thinks its the weather. Like over the weekend it was realy cold and then Monday it was a lot warmer. Yesterday I was fine but kind of nervuous becase I was like What if it comes back?

Oh and no classes Thursday! Its self study at home day.

Diskwiss often eats posts and today it did. And tomorow.

Giant isopod? I thouhgt that was something that played music so I had to go look! Haha! That is grose isnt it? I didnt know people loved isopods. Like I DID know people love this one gorilla at this one zoo becase hes so handsome. I didnt beleve it at first then they showed him on the news and yes hes like a

Somone hates Wizard of Oz? Thats like hating the sky!

Well I think you shoud do it.

You have to learn to say it. The best way is the first part you kind of stretch it out and make it sound SUPER SNOTTY. Like BAAAAAAAH. Then you just bite the ka part. And then you just keep saying it and you win the argeument!

Its realy very simple. You pack the things you love most and then you and your family move into a hotel.

Diskwiss did you ever eat my realy long post? I KNOW YOU DID SO DONT EVEN TRY TO DENY IT!

Imoto went to Italy and Monte Carlo last nite! In Monte Carlo she wore this red dress and black shawl that were realy pretty and elegent and she borowed money from the crew to go into a casino and after a while she came back out and was like I LOST. She climbed a rock cliff with just her hands and feet like straihgt

Well after two days of feeling like realy barfy and kind of down and STILL having to go to school I mostly just stayed in my room and drew all weekend. I drew for like six hours nonstop yesterday accept we did take a walk to a part of where we live weve never explored and that was fun altho it was kind of chilly!

Today Im going to make the BEST outfit tho. Were going for a walk. I am going total decora. But Stoneybrook style.

Diskwiss you woud LOVE twitter! So many things to eat!