Claudia Kishi BSC V-P

Its all gray. Its a horror movie about the movie makers being afraid of useing actual color.

Diskwiss take a three HUNDRED day weekend away from eating our posts please.

I dont think Ive done that with brussle sprouts or baby corn but I have seen Kristy pretend baby corn was reguler size corn!

Diskwiss what do you think of eating posts? Dont even bother to anser you love it becase your such a mean jerk.

And to anser your qestoin about if there are shows here about what people think about Japan? OH MY LORD YES! SO MANY! Haha!

Here there called omiyage and there suvenirs. Maybe its easyer? But who wants a dumb tshirt when someone can bring you Tokyo Banana rihgt?
Oh my lord TSHIRT WILLSON! HAHA! He seemed pretty normal. Guys are wierd about things like that arent they? I dont know I thought all tshirts were the same. There white there

I woud totaly join his. I mean I woud watch this!

Coud you pick a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu song please? Fashion Monster is probably the most famuous one but I woud LOVE it if you added ether Mottai Nightland or Ninja Re Bang Bang please please PLEASE?

Oh ART NOUVEAU! Ok that is one of my favorete things ever! I looked at a lot of preRapahaleate paintings yesterday to. Some of them Ive actualy seen. They do like nature and water a lot but I wander if what they realy liked was long flowing hair.

Well people just have to give you snacks from wherever they went. Its like a big deal. I was just lucky to be in the rihgt room with the snacks! Haha!

Gerl Punk Idol stretch jeans from Dogpile.

If that things eyes moved I think Id poop in my pants!

I probibly woud have watched this more if it was about a babysiter but I do say Blossom always had hte most amazing hats! I dont realy remeber this show at all accept like HATS.

Goodbye Diskwiss! Haha that was actualy fun. One more time! GOODBYE DISKWISS!

Finaly I talked to our adviser. She said we start next week and I dont have to come tomorow. Thats a releif. I went to school THREE TIMES this week Binky! This time I didnt realy have to talk to so many people and one of the teachers gave me chocolates! Haha!

These are shows I woud never get to see even if I still lived in Stoneybrook. My parents woud be like Claudia you may chose ONE. That is a LOT of pressere! So these are shows Ill mostly know about from reading about them HERE. So I geuss Im realy exited to read about them and then puzzle about the comments! Haha!

Diskwiss do you ever have feelings? Like do you feel a certian way when you eat a post? Or do you just not care?

Well the wierd thing is the BSC actualy has its own Wiki. I mean WE dont run it. I dont realy know who does. I think there were two a long time ago. Maybe. Ok theres Stoneybrookite to. There both pretty good. Im allways amazed at people who are so into our books. Some of the info makes me crinje but the BSC is

Oh its from BSC Super Specail #10 Sea City Here We Come!

Or it will be if stupid diskwiss will ever stop eating all our posts!