
Oh definitely, if it’s at all possible I’ll usually let someone in, but this guy was literally trying to turn left across a 4 lane road with a center turn lane in the middle of heavy traffic.

I tell this to all the parents coming in to buy a car for their kid. Manuals make you use both hands and both feet, so no fiddle-f’ing around with phones while driving, and you can see the light click in their head when I say it. When I bought a stick shift car for my kid, he objected with, “But, I don’t know how to

The WRX comes with a manual.

Not true - the WRX comes with a manual.

The should be standard. It’s a great idea and can’t be that hard to implement.

They aren’t called Massholes there for nothing. I was driving through a small town on my way to Plymouth and a guy decided he was just going to turn left from a parking lot out into traffic and then stare at me like I’m the asshole when he stops across my lane in the middle of traffic.

This is the exact situation that got me one time--car is braking to slow down, then switches to emergency braking. But guess what? It’s all just the same brake lights. Emergency braking lights are a great idea.

Watching my friend eat a footlong sub whilst driving his old manual S10 was pretty impressive

Totally agree - I’ve been wishing they would come out with some sort of graduated brake light where it gets brighter as you push harder, and eventually flashes to alert drivers when you’re slamming the brakes.

As someone who commutes 26 miles to work in Phoenix everyday, I think this should definitely be a standard. Countless times I’ve been in a situation like what you just described.

Fantastic car.

What? The Impreza, WRX, Crosstrek, Forester, and BRZ are all available with manual in the U.S. market. It’s just the Legacy and Outback that are CVT-only.

These are really nice...shame about the 2-pedal only option.

Wow, where did that photo or an orange Mazdaspeed6 come from? That is DEFINITELY not a factory color. Actually looks pretty good, though. Defeats the stealth sleeper aspect of the MS6, however.

I’ve found that the only people that ever realize my cars are manual are dudes who are also into cars. Nobody else ever seems to notice, or if they do, they don’t seem to care. So, realistically, it’s probably a good way to impress young men, but probably won’t help him pick up young women.

BMW e30 325 IX. Simple, reliable, classic, good ground clearance, and available with a manual.

Maybe at first. Now it’s second nature to me and I can do anything else a distracted auto-driver can. BUT I DON’T.

What could possibly go wrong trusting only high res maps...

Lots of people have postulated that this is a “fuel in the DEF tank” problem. Based on Ford’s statement, that does not seem to be the case.

Pretty simple actually....they put diesel fuel in the DEF tank. So when it regens it is actually shooting diesel in the exhaust versus DEF. That is why you see flames.