
I’m an a relationship with a Domme which my therapist thinks is emotionally abusive.

In my area (and we stay in contact and get the gossip/news still) it has been similar. FL has provided a means for people to communicate and share, which is amazing. So many individuals have been pushed out and away, which is realistically the best we can do in many cases, because of downright shitty behavior. We

Yeah! Tried to look for non bleeped stuff.. but doesn’t exist.

How many of them actually get such? How many get fired for suggesting they should be paid more?

Apparently Jia thinks it is the best.

What? Why?

No. I could do so because I can be a “scary white man” when I need to be. The fact the company, itself, didn’t give two shits is more the point. They fired my whole team soon after. They just needed to wait the year before they were under penalty for letting employees go. I literally did nothing for six months while

Like they don’t film plenty of women naked without their consent nor knowledge.

Doesn’t that just objectify the female sex organ?

That’s the only age I thought Playboy was to be coveted.

He had a hard-on through the whole thing. I bet he needed to ice it down before he went on in his underwear.

Because they don’t care?

Sure... and question is why there’s even overtime here anyway?

She actually strikes me as a very genuine person. Maybe I’m wrong but she keeps putting herself in these very... normal... places (for TV and such) and being a rather normal person.

I love that Lady Gaga is just as likely to break out in a “MOVE, BITCH! GET OUT THE WAY!” as anyone else. And is just as white and bad doing it as I am.

I’m having a hard time getting upset about this.

I’m actually pretty certain that if a SS agent takes a bullet a series of contract provisions come into play including basically lifelong salary and 0 hours scheduled per week. Doesn’t mean people won’t want to work, but they get a golden ticket if they survive to never work a day in their life.

This is what I don’t get.