It’s not a mod; as Reddit_is_wrong (who made the screenshots) explains, they’re the result of some tweaks to the ENB injector SweetFX/Reshade,
It’s not a mod; as Reddit_is_wrong (who made the screenshots) explains, they’re the result of some tweaks to the ENB injector SweetFX/Reshade,
Louisville’s James Burgess Ejected 11 Seconds Into Music City Bowl
Nit picking here but it’s Stephen, not Steven.
I don’t think he hates them either. He just doesn’t “get” it and was kind of a jerk about it. Which he can do...but Colbert’s take on it proves you can make fun of it all without coming off as an ass.
He still has plenty of political guests on, at least. John Kerry was on tonight as well, I believe.
Steven Colbert, as always, does a great job striking a balance between comedian and consummate professional when approaching virtually any topic. It is because of him that somebody my own age - a millenial, not yet quite 30 - is watching the Late Show, of all things, something I’d have absolutely guffawed at the idea…
My heart aches a bit seeing Colbert step back from the political angle but maybe he can livin up late night talk shows for me. Seems to be doing swimmingly so far. (My first time using “swimmingly”... nailed it)
Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.
Having driven my boss’s P85 and taken many long roadtrips in it, I have to say this statement is pretty much 100% true. The only people who are able to dis the Model S are people who either haven’t driven it or have so much rabid brand-snobbery in their hearts that they actually think the CLA 250 is a “good deal”
You pay a technology premium, sure. But, no one that has ever sat in or driven a Tesla thinks they’re junk. No one.
these are 100% the worst people in the jalopnik community. nobody gains anything from disparaging something that’s actually, and not ostensibly or arguably, great. it’s fucking stupid. tesla rules sorry.
The Tesla is good...?