Classical Uncertainty

I’ve got a friend who works at Walmart, and who is interested in moving up to store security manager position. He told me that one of the reasons he doesn’t want to *be* a security guard proper is that Walmart maintains an absolute zero-contact rule between the security staff and customers—even in extreme events.

Everyday low... prices.

So Marty Mulletsckvich is the new Ghost Rider?

All-New Cap (Sam Wilson) has some of those knowing nods in its fourth or fifth issue, when they briefly show Sam overhearing a guy complaining about the new “politically correct” cap. I liked that a lot. It felt like it both served the story, and was a conversation-starter.

I wasn’t reading comics when it happened (college and poor and wotnot), but I returned to read the first few volumes of Batman, and really liked them. I dug some of the Superman stuff, and the first volume of the Flash, too. It wasn’t horrible, as an outsider with little emotional investment. So... I’m with you.

I *really* like Descender. It came out right as my wife and I began getting back into comics earlier this year, and I’ve got all three issues so far. It’s really, really impressive.

There’s a typo in that box, I *think*. They call it the “Magacosm,” but I’ve only ever seen it referred to as “Megacosm” throughout the other three boxes. :)

What the fuck, that looks awesome!

But is it going to collapse and wane for the same reasons Vanilla did? I really, really wanted to like Destiny, but after three weeks I’d mastered all the step-toos and turn-heres, hit the level cap, and decided I can’t be bothered to kill the same four or five bosses over and over again anymore. It’s boring.

You just described our bedroom. Herm.

Blood Dragon is the only Far Cry game I’ve ever played. I don’t think I could go back to a regular world.

Us, too. :-\

My wife and I are totally into that book. I love the costume and the weird art, and she adores everything about it.

Question. I’m funds-limited and unwilling to buy everything with Secret Wars on the cover. I have, however, purchased (and acquired via FCBD) #0, #1, and #2. Can I just continue reading the main Secret Wars books, or do I need to read outside that main eight-part series? This is my first summer event rodeo where i’ve

NO. That movie was made for me, a millenial with disposable income and a need for conventional plots that don’t toe the lie. It was made for me, whose main exposure to the Marvel plethora of goodies is the summer blockbuster movie, because I can’t afford to pay for the comics due to the crushing student loans levied

I’ve been wondering this my entire life. Now that I have the answer, I’m not sure what to do.

Ugh, my phone has shit out thrice.

Thanks. I’ll look into it!

Is there a way to check the pressure before I roll it into a shop?