
Gerrymandering was supposed to prevent a blue wave like this which is a good omen for 2018.

Which brings me to my next point. At what point will Republicans decide to stop appealing to an increasingly shrinking number of Americans and hoping they can just prevent enough of the other sorts of Americans from voting?

Oh my god, I can relate to this. Went through his phone when he went to the bathroom cause he had been pretty damn bad about hiding it earlier that day. Bam. Most recent text convo.

It is beyond disgusting that anyone has to deal with this but Sia handled it like a fucking boss.

“This isn’t a guns situation,” Trump said as he directed the blame at the behavior of a “very deranged individual [with] a lot of problems over a long period of time.”

You, and people like you, are the problem.

It’s Texas, pretty sure the term “gun free zone” doesn’t exist there.

We need more thoughts and prayers. That’ll help.

He’s 29 now, but yes, he is Doogie Howser. He graduated from Bard College at the age of 15 then started at Yale law school at 16. He’s member of the New York Bar. He had already done a stint at the State Department before he started a career in journalism. His resume is pretty insane.

Even as an adult, if you aren’t into sports, you’re basically ostracized from a huge bulk of society. At least where I am. It kinda sorta makes a guy bitter. From my perspective, sports is a religion to these people. There is literally no difference between how people approach their worship of whatever god and how

I can relate. I never end up developing an interest in sports because my experience has been more similar to Calvin.

That’s the worst thing about sports: if you refuse to play them (especially as a boy), you’re told that you’re bad at teamwork and human interactions in general. You start associating one with the other, although the connection is tenuous at best (unless you consider the army to be the model for intimacy and

I hated playing baseball as a kid. My parents thought I needed to play a sport and signed me up for baseball. Outfield was where they stuck the kids they knew either didn’t want to play or couldn’t play well, and much like this comic strip, no one took the time to actually teach fundamentals. Time was devoted solely

Hi Kevin!
I remember I caught a ball in gym. Once. I was so stunned, I didn’t know what to do with it and I completely overshot the guy I was supposed to throw it to. Calvin and Hobbes was a big deal for me in the 80s, since his experiences mirrored my own so horribly well. I still hate sports. And team activities...

This hits home. In middle and high school, I wouldn’t answer questions that teachers asked the class, because it seemed like a lose-lose social situation: if I was right, then the other kids would roll their eyes and say “know-it-all,” but if I was wrong, then the other kids would laugh, saying, “Gasp—she got it