
Well, yes. But Moogie was there for comic effect. And sometimes (most times with the Moogie/Ferengi stuff) it fell flat. Embarrassingly so. But that only underlines the major flaw in Disco. You can’t have comic beats, or genuinely funny, human moments without people to care about. Discovery’s humor is all forced,

Well, Michelle Yeoh is bloody brilliant, in general. But yeah. She’s stuck with a lot to carry here. Though she took the Bond Girl role in one of the absolute worst Bond films and ran with it. Made it one of the best Bond Girl performances ever.

But that’s not what he’s doing. He’s giving a pretty good overview of a course in “How To Write For TV 101.” He breaks down WHY things aren’t working for him. It’s not arbitrary. I only on rare occasions will sub a screenwriting class (I work in a film school), but I wish there were a good way to use these reviews.

It’d be better off if it were The Orville. That show seems to understand what it is.

Actually, DS9 had the best all-around cast of any of the Trek shows. Nana Visitor could be a bit much from time to time. So was Marc Alaimo. And Terry Farrell had to learn to act in front of the camera- something she finally got the hang of - but the rest of them? Fantastic. You need SOME overacting to work thru all

No no. Zack and the lady over at Geek Den are the only two who seem to understand how empty this thing is underneath all the shiny. I’d swear all the other recap/reviews are paid for by CBS.


I think Zach is spot on. This show oscillates between lazy pandering and being outright insulting. It’s georgous to look at, everyone is ACTING (in allcaps, all the time) and it moves fast. If that tips it in your favor, great. God’s speed. But beyond that, there’s no there there. This is all cover, no book. World

He mostly complains about the shitty writing, but's just, when the writing is this lazy who cares about canon?

I’m sorry. Did John Cleese just say he denies the existence of alternative gender identities? Did he openly declare that there are two sexes, dammit! And you better conform to one??

I think you’re right that she is set up to fail, weekly, by the writers. But, so was Anson Mount. So is Doug Jones. So (and I especially hate, hate, hate her ridiculous character) is Michelle Yeoh. But they don’t fail BEYOND the limits of the writing. SMG seems to have a unique spin on her line reading that makes

This is true. She was one of my favorite parts of The Walking Dead. But here? I don’t know where the disconnect is. But she’s one of the main reasons I can’t really enjoy this show. Whenever I think it’s getting better, Michael will be there to remind me that I can never love this show.

It’s the emotional manipulation and lack of faith in the audience’s ability to engage on their own that finally pushed me away (yet here I am still reading recaps...don’t ask). My breaking point was in the final ep of last season. Disco is surrounded, no starfleet ship can get there in time to help (or some shit), and

Christianity played a huge role in enslaved life...” Sure. Like this, you mean:

So much to unpack here.

I’ve developed almost as deep a contempt for Discovery’s producers (and by extension, the whole CBS Trek team) as they have for their audience. Their line of thinking on all things is, “Pan in, cue inspirational score, heavy-handed line CARE!!11!!!1!” I hate them so much.

The pangolin wasn’t a random choice of animal. Back in the very early days of the virus, when everyone was zeroing in on bats, there were some stories on other weird and wild animals in china that are used as food and could also, someday, be our undoing. The pangolin had it’s long 15 minutes back then. Kinda the star

NO. They definitely came down on the side of masks here. You’d have to work to will a different read into that. But...y’know.

Ummm... that’s not how product placement works (I mean, the Reese’s Pieces, yes, ok). If it were, the whole show could be considered product placement. Everyone knows it’s based on a book of the same title. The book showing up has narrative significance, clearly. That is the opposite of product placement. If he came

Apparently not. Nor are we going to discuss Hippolyta’s decision to return to Dee, who, as she said, needs her. Orphan?